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Kirkos Sub City
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Kirkos sub city one of the subcity in addis ababa ethiopia, which is found around kazanchis.With in this sub city ,there are 11 kebeles .kirkos sub city was established as subcity on may 1 1995 e.c..In this sub city ,from may 1 1995 e.c. upto now there 10 chief executive lead the sub city.the current chief executivee of the sub city is Ato Sisay Ayalew.Kirkos subcity is located at the center of the city.In south neighbour with nifas silk lafto subcity ,in north Arada subcity in east Lideta subcity and from east with Bole subcity.The Population size of the sub city is a total of 220,991 out of that is 103,314 male and the remaining 117,677 is female.
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